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Ortho-Bionomy® Videos
The videos below come via Baeleay Callister, Advanced Instructor and Honorary Member of Ortho-Bionomy Associate of Canada.

Meeting Arthur Lincoln Pauls

The Development of Ortho-Bionomy®

The Phases of Ortho-Bionomy®

Development of Ortho-Bionomy® (version 2)

Check out ‘Blind’ from Baeleay Callister

First Rib

Spinal Rotation

Neck Exercises

Groin Story

The Toe Story

Learn more about Ortho-Bionomy®
(from l’Association Française d’Ortho-Bionomy®)

What is Ortho-Bionomy®?
(from Ortho-Bionomy in Asheville)
From Gannon Abbey, Baeleay’s son
My mother, Baeleay
Born December 15, 1945
Died May 17, 2020
Each time I sit to write about my mother, I am overwhelmed.
She was, and still is, larger than life. The stories I could tell, were they only mine to tell, would amuse, shock, entertain and enlighten. She lived a dozen lifetimes, or more in her 74 years.
Baeleay was a healer, a virtual miracle worker. She asked little to provide these services and spent decades improving her skills. I won’t itemize the list of physical ailments that were dissipated by way of a few session with Baeleay. What I will say is that the suffering that she helped others avoid will likely number in the billions of hours when all accounting is said and done.
Baeleay was a teacher, sharing hard learned lessons and skills earned through a lifetime of magic. She taught Ortho-Bionomy, she taught Filmmaking to deaf students in Quito Ecuador.
Baeleay was a traveler, from the years in South America, her travels in Europe and Asia, from school in Germany, to Nepal, Canada, the USA. She lived in Ashrams, Communes, Mansions, Basement apartments, Hotels. And lastly, the home she made on the Sunshine Coast
Baeleay was an Artist, She had countless hours of film, made glass mosaic window that speak through light, she painted the language of flowers, she built jewelry to empower and beautify, she sang.
Baeleay was a Mother, She raised two boys, almost entirely on her own. This is the part I am most grateful for. In the balance of all things, I am truly amazed by her ability to do all that she did and still raise Luke and myself to be the adults that we are. She was my friend, always and forever. We didn’t have a safe, or really comfortable childhood. We had an Epic Adventure.
Great job Mom!
And while I can enumerate so many things that she was and did, there is no way to do justice.
To the life she lived, the people whose lives where improved by knowing her, with words.
I know that anyone lucky enough to count Baeleay a friend, is struggling to put it into words.
I guess we can just keep trying.
We Love you, Baeleay, and we miss you!