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Ortho-Bionomy work

The History & Foundation Of ORTHO-BIONOMY®


Dr. Arthur Lincoln Pauls was a Canadian born Judo Instructor who became a doctor of Osteopathy in the early 1970s in England.

While he was still training to be an Osteopath, Dr. Pauls was intrigued by a paper written by American Osteopath Dr. Lawrence Jones (developed “Strain-Counterstrain“). This paper was about how the body was able to spontaneously release by holding certain positions, much like the results one would get from a chiropractor but without manipulation, discomfort, or force. This led to the development of a dramatically different system of healing based on the stimulation of the body’s own self-corrective reflexes.

About OB - History

Dr. Pauls used this information with his Osteopathic training, concepts he learned from his Martial Arts practice, and principles of Homeopathy. He pursued this new way of working with the body until he had developed a corpus of techniques that he could teach to others. He then travelled to many different countries training practitioners in the work he called Ortho-Bionomy®.

Translation of ORTHO-BIONOMY

Ortho >> Correct  /  Bio >> Life  /  Nomy >> Study

Ortho-Bionomy loosely translated (Greek) means ‘The correct application of the natural laws of life.’ Natural laws of life being, for example, laws of Physics; how gravity works, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, and following the path of least resistance.

Appropriate Techniques for Each Client

In a Session, the practitioner may employ a wide range of approaches, from the physical to the energetic, that are appropriate for each client and each condition. Some of these techniques include:

Dr. Lincoln Pauls on Ortho-Bionomy

“Injury or disease result from what I call ‘misunderstanding’. Ortho-Bionomy brings understanding to the person, so that he or she may respond appropriately, rather than by habit or fear. Of course I am not speaking about conscious or verbal understanding. It is usually unconscious, an inner awareness which is naturally present in the person as a result of removing fear and any other block in the energy of the person.

For example, when we take the plug out of the bathtub, we don’t have to tell the water “you can go down the drain now”, it will go because there is nothing preventing it…”


  • Positional Release
  • Range of Motion Exploration
  • Isometric and Isotonic contractions
  • Gentle rocking
  • Static holding


  • Subtle or minute movements
  • Postural re-education
  • Work in the energy field of the body
  • Cranial and Visceral Balancing
  • Neurolymphatic Balancing


A Brief Overview of Ortho-Bionomy

Ortho-Bionomy is an Osteopathic-based, hands-on, therapeutic bodywork that is an effective treatment for both acute and chronic conditions. It is gentle and non-invasive and activates the body’s innate self-correcting reflexes.


Benefits of an Ortho-Bionomy session include reduced stress & pain to feeling more relaxed & mobile in the body to restored vitality. Many conditions can be addressed through the understanding of our bodies’ integrated systems.


An Ortho-Bionomy session is a respectful and comfortable “hands-on” experience. The practitioner may employ a wide range of approaches, none of which use any forced movements or manipulations that cause discomfort.


Ortho-Bionomy is ‘process-oriented’ rather than ‘goal-oriented’ and practitioners work ‘with’ rather than ‘on’ the client – a collaboration that allows the client a greater sense of autonomy over their own healing process.
{My first experience with Ortho-Bionomy was amazing! It doesn’t seem like much but I had a sharp pain at the base of my thumb (the saddle joint). I had it for ages; chiropractors massage therapists, no one could “fix” it. During my first Ortho-Bionomy visit, I pointed it out to the Practitioner. She checked it by carefully moving it and asking questions, like “does it feel better this way or that way?” It felt like the muscle in my forearm was “wrapped” around the bone and with gentle touch in about 30 seconds, the pain was gone! And now, if I feel the pain again, I know how to release the muscle by myself. Self-care is an important part of Ortho-Bionomy. Ortho-Bionomy is so gentle – it is wonderful for the elderly or those in acute pain. It helped alleviate my son’s concussion symptoms in one session. And, because it is helps the body to “do the work”, changes last longer than some other therapies. The body seems to relearn a “new normal”.
P. H.
{The quality of my daily life has been vastly improved by my Ortho-Bionomy treatments. As the name suggests, they have helped my body return to (and retain!) easeful, 'right' alignment. The therapy has been incredibly effective both for a recent, acute knee injury and for some chronic pains that many other modalities had been unable to address meaningfully. Without actually experiencing it, I never would have believed that the principle of "always working within comfort" could increase my range of motion so profoundly.
{After 20 years of persistent sciatic pain from an athletic injury I went for an Ortho-Bionomy session. (I had already tried every other modality). I was so amazed to experience complete relief after 5 gentle sessions. I was so inspired, I studied to become a practitioner. 'Life-changing' is an understatement!
{Due to the physicality of my work, I often have to deal with pain due to repetitive work injury.  Ortho-Bionomy has been more effective than chiropractic, physio, or any other form of pain management and treatment. Since 1992 OB has been my go-to treatment. It has been life changing for me. A bad headache, neck pain and general discomfort can be relieved so efficiently by Ortho-Bionomy in one treatment. The efficacy of the process lasts long after the initial session.
{It’s like dance you have with your own body while you’re just watching on. Just blissful, painless and opens up your world to an understanding about yourself that’s so simple. Highly, highly recommend Ortho-Bionomy.