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Ortho-Bionomy work

Ortho-Bionomy® Classes


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February 2025

Cranial 1

The Ortho-Bionomy Approach to Cranium (foundation class) Join us and explore specific hand positions as developed by Dr Pauls, his perspective on energetic and spiral components to the cranium and facial structures while embracing the OB principles and concepts. For more information contact one of the coordinators: Laurian Gladue or Christine Karl
22 - 23 Feb
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Kamloops BC

Study Group

The focus of each Study Group depends upon the needs and interests of the students.  Participants may wish to receive clarification about Ortho-Bionomy techniques and principles, review techniques already learned, discuss specific client cases, and to air any concerns or present any ideas that they may have.  Study groups give Ortho-Bionomy students an opportunity to […]
28 Feb
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Delta BC
March 2025

Cranial II

In this advanced cranial class we will continue to learn and experience the gentle and respectful Ortho-Bionomy approach to the cranium.  Explore the cranial connection to the body’s structure and spinal cord, and nerves.  Deepen the sensitivity of palpation and expand your understanding of the cranial layers in this advanced class. Early bird price $400 […]
01 - 02 Mar
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Delta BC
April 2025

Phase 4 – Axial/Core

Phase Four This foundation class covers the history, philosophy and concepts of Ortho-Bionomy, and provides a basic understanding of the release techniques for each major joint in the body.  The techniques are comfortable for the client and easy on the practitioner. They stimulate the inherent self-corrective reflexes of the body through the proprioceptors, resulting in […]
05 - 06 Apr
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Vernon, BC

OBAC AGM Annual General Meeting and Conference

Please mark the dates and location!  More details coming soon April 25 (early registration and tutorials, evaluation, trades) Conference and AGM April 26, 27, 2025 at the Winfield Hall in Lake Country BC This years conference this year will be Trauma and OB Care with Instructors; Marie Long, Jan McKenna, Peggy Oud and Shaney Rockefeller […]
25 - 27 Apr
1:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Winfield Hall
Lake Country, BC
May 2025


Isometrics Using Isometric and Isotonic resistance techniques encourages mobility and helps releases happen more readily in the body.  By enlisting the participation of a client, these techniques can assist the self-correction of postural imbalances and chronic tension patterns.  These techniques consist of slight restraint against a gently engaged muscle followed by the completion of the movement. As […]
03 - 04 May
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Delta BC
June 2025

Phase 5 and the Reflexes

Using the principles of Ortho-Bionomy, this class provides the opportunity to experience the instinctive and adaptive movements and postures presented by the client. Through the practice of observing, following and supporting movement patterns, the student gains an increased awareness of the tensions held within the body’s tissues, and learns how to connect to these areas on […]
14 - 15 Jun
12:00 pm - 5:00 pm
No event found!

Ortho-Bionomy classes taught by a registered OBAC Instructor or Advanced Instructor is recognized by the Natural Healthcare Practitioners of Canada (NHPC) for continuing education credits 

Other Ortho-Bionomy Classes

Society of Ortho-Bionomy International (SOBI)

A natural approach to health and well-being – ortho-bionomy.org Training & Classes. The Society of Ortho-Bionomy, through its Registered Instructors offers classes and training designed to give individuals a thorough understanding of the art and practice of Ortho- Bionomy.  48 units of training with SOBI per Practitioner and Advanced Practitioner training levels may be accepted for the OBAC programs. 

Ortho-Bionomy bodywork

Ortho-Bionomy Programs

Interested in becoming an Ortho-Bionomy Practitioner?

The Registered Practitioner programs are designed to give students a thorough understanding of the principles of Ortho-Bionomy in addition to providing extensive hands-on experience in both classes and supervised practice. Practitioner trainees choose a Registered Instructor, with a minimum of one year of teaching experience, who will act as their Advisor and assist throughout the training period by offering guidance, support and constructive feedback.

In order to ensure the highest standard of Ortho-Bionomy education, the Ortho-Bionomy Association of Canada (OBAC) has compiled a program which must be completed by any applicant that desires to become either a Registered Practitioner, or a Registered Advanced Practitioner.


Interested in bringing an Ortho-Bionomy class to your area? 

 OBAC offers support to anyone who would like to coordinate a class in there community.  Guidelines are available to help you take the necessary steps to make this happen, many of our OBAC instructors are happy to travel and teach in your community.  You will need to contact an instructor and discuss class type and set up dates that work for both of you.  Contact the office or an instructor for the full coordinator document…there is an opportunity for OBAC sponsorship and a free class! 

©    Finds appropriate location for the classes   

©    Advertise, promote and coordinate the class, (discuss budget and type of advertising with the Instructor.)

©     Ensure you have the time and availability to be a contact person for the students.

Discover OBAC Programs


Marie Long

Vernon, BC
(250) 542-0763

Janet McKenna

Vancouver, BC
(778) 928-0821

Judith Miller

Vancouver, BC
(604) 362-3906

Peggy Oud

Kelowna, BC
(250) 317-2375



Rhoda Hollander

Calgary, AB
(403) 819-3604

Rhoda began the study of Ortho-Bionomy in early 2001  She is an Advanced Practiotioner and Instructor  and currently practices in Cochrane, Alberta.  Her interest in Ortho-Bionomy came as a result of her search for wellness after a sudden, seven year long bout with severe nervous system reactions to contact with everything of a chemical  nature. During those years her life was turned upside down as she was consumed with the need to find some relief and to regain her previous good health.   

“My path on the search for wellness led me through many modalities and supplemental programs, which helped immensely in the beginning, but progress was slow and after seven years it seemed to me that I was at a stand still in my recovery process.  I knew there must be a missing link that was keeping me from moving forward in my journey.  I then turned my attention to Ortho-Bionomy and after my very first session with a practitioner, I knew that this totally holistic approach was working to reawaken my body’s own ability to heal.  Ortho-Bionomy assisted in helping me to become aware of the repetitive patterns within my body, which were keeping me stuck where I was.”  

Rhoda made the decision at that time to learn all she could about Ortho-Bionomy with the intention of helping others. She soon came to know that this gentle, non-invasive work, and trusting in the body’s wisdom to heal itself, could be of great benefit to all.  She has integrated Ortho-Bionomy into her life and loves helping others to find peace, joy and contentment in their lives, through a healthy body, mind and spirit. 

Shaney Rockefeller