Equine Spine, Pelvis + Ribs

This class will focus on the Spine, Pelvis, and Ribs of the equine by Shaney Rockefeller.  Shaney is a SOBI Ortho-Bionomy Instructor kindly coming up from Vale Oregon to share her teaching with us. We will explore the anatomy of horses and how to apply ortho-Bionomy principles through hands-on practice with your horse or a gentle loaner horse. Classes to be held at Riverside Equestrian Center in Richmond, BC.

Most importantly know that these classes are for everyone, even if you don’t have a horse or want to ride or know anything about Ortho-Bionomy. If you want to be around horses, touch horses, or watch people work on horses to experience Ortho-Bionomy from the equine perspective, you are invited to join this class!  Bring your horse (s) to practice on!  If you don’t own a horse, no problem, there are plenty to share!

To BOOK your spot send your deposit to: e transfer to Yvette30@telus.net or call Yvette Henry to pay by credit card.

Cost $400 : or to get the early bird rate – $350.00 (paid in full by May 8, 2024)

Please message Yvette if you have any questions. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you.


Yvette Henry

Heads or Tails Body Therapy




Shaney Rockefeller

Wild Horse Specialist

Ortho-Bionomy® Registered Instructor


2405 Graham Blvd.

Vale, OR 97918


Jun 08 - 09 2024


9:00 am - 5:00 pm




Riverside Equestrian Center
Richmond BC


Yvette Henry
February 2025

Cranial 1

The Ortho-Bionomy Approach to Cranium (foundation class) Join us and explore specific hand positions as developed by Dr Pauls, his perspective on energetic and spiral components to the cranium and facial structures while embracing the OB principles and concepts. For more information contact one of the coordinators: Laurian Gladue or Christine Karl
22 - 23 Feb
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Kamloops BC

Study Group

The focus of each Study Group depends upon the needs and interests of the students.  Participants may wish to receive clarification about Ortho-Bionomy techniques and principles, review techniques already learned, discuss specific client cases, and to air any concerns or present any ideas that they may have.  Study groups give Ortho-Bionomy students an opportunity to […]
28 Feb
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Delta BC
March 2025

Cranial II

In this advanced cranial class we will continue to learn and experience the gentle and respectful Ortho-Bionomy approach to the cranium.  Explore the cranial connection to the body’s structure and spinal cord, and nerves.  Deepen the sensitivity of palpation and expand your understanding of the cranial layers in this advanced class. Early bird price $400 […]
01 - 02 Mar
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Delta BC
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